Try to avert a magical disaster, one turn at a time.
Turn-based strategy games often work hexes on the map, factions in the neighborhood and attack enemies with overwhelming force and a healthy dose of the base and capture the city. But they require a much more successful with the whole experience. Paradox Interactive and 1C: ino-Co tried to put a different spin on the strategy with the format Elven Legacy is a fantasy based strategy game filled with elves, Orcs and other magical beings. Although the game quite well, is the difficulty of challenging games, along with some minor balancing issues and some technical issues, it's a good game that will probably appeal only to hardcore strategy fan.A precondition for Elven Legacy is based around the dangers of magic in Illis. A human sorcerer breaks the evil fortress and learn forbidden magic locked away for thousands of years, which could destroy the entire world. Worse, it avoids capture and disappear into the wilderness, which would give it ability to learn magic for the other dangerous, which is also wreaking havoc. The elves, because they fear that the threat has been unleashed in the world is once again sending two of their biggest heroes follow the rogue before the magician can enjoy its power. However, their search to them through land held by people, Dwarfs, Orcs and other creatures, immediately sparking a war that could be dangerous as well as magic itself.
Initially, you choose the mission of the campaign map, and after receiving training and selection of one of the three difficulty levels, you can deploy your forces in the area. Each map has a special department of the CAP, and you'll be able to field up to the maximum number of soldiers, you can add that calling an external force or the discovery of magic with the troops that are loyal to your cause. Each unit has a limited range of motion and one attack that can perform per turn, and you try to move their forces from your current location within the area marked on the map to your destination. However, it's easier said than done, you will have to fight your way groups of enemies that stand in the way. Of course, that your units have different types of attacks available to them based on their unit type: Mages archers and ranged units and a strike from a greater distance (about two or more hexes away), while melee fighters to stand next to enemy units and airmen attack from above.
Like most strategy games, Elven Legacy takes several factors in calculating the effectiveness of success of attacks, such as terrain bonuses. However, it is possible to choose different skills that will enable the units to maximize their effectiveness in specific areas, which is even more deadly. For example, some units get more defense bonuses, when you are in the woods, while others earn extra attacking power whenever they're within the city walls. Since you'll be able to specialize, each one with its own abilities, no two units will have to be at the same level, and you can create a unique combatants. What's more, most of your basic units, it is also possible to upgrade to a new class, acquire new capabilities, while maintaining all the capabilities of their previous occupation.
It is clear that you want to track their soldiers to determine when the best time to upgrade, but you also need to pay attention to their health to see when they need to retreat from the front lines. Each unit (except the hero) has a set number of troops, which inevitably take damage from attacks and fending of strikes. Depending on how strong the enemy is that your unit may get injured or even lose their team members. While you can always recover wounded soldiers in the field, is the only way to replace the fallen soldiers and units to restore its full strength, it is closer to the nearby cities that you have captured and recruit new soldiers (assuming you have enough money in your treasury to pay for other forces). This is very important because if your units killed (except for heroes, again) that they are lost forever - there is no chance to resurrect these soldiers, so you will need to be careful to make sure you do not have is the damage to the way a weakened state. A significant part is just the essential elements of a fighting game, and to a much greater depth in the game, which is a big plus in terms of replayability. In fact, when it managed to complete the Elven campaign will also be in the field of human ORC and the campaign is waiting for you, you totally different take on the battle raging around Illis. In addition, players can get bonus missions, as well as magical artifacts to complete the mission to victory gold rating, one of the three standards that are assessed on your game based on how quickly you achieve your goals. If you do not like the way you have completed the mission, you can always replay the mission to start a single game or play against people multiplayer via LAN, Internet or the Hot Seat play on one computer to build your skills. If you're looking for multiplayer route may be appropriate for the collection of some friends and play on your own computer, because nobody seems to be playing this title on the Internet.
But while the game is large amounts of depth and replayability is also comes with some important issues. For one thing, the time the mission structure is too rigid for strategy titles. If you are not able to meet your goals before the end of the Bronze rating window, you do not move to the point where you are able to earn extra money, goods or other bonuses. Instead, the mission will end in failure, which means that you have to make sure that every step, every attack and every decision which orders to your destination. This means that not necessarily go your way you try to view a map, because you get so far as to put the focus on destroying its enemies. However, because they can not earn money from fallen enemies (as it is only thanks to capturing the city), you may find that the amount of reinforcements, which they call on your side can fall precipitously during the pitched battle.
Speaking of battles, balance of power, which will face off against radically skewed in favor computer. Not only that it is possible to stumble into groups of three or more enemies that are hidden in the fog of war, you will often find that your soldiers are outnumbered at least 2:1 odds on the map. If you are trying to make a path to the goal (which has a limited number of rounds before the failure of the mission), but you'll have to wade through hordes of soldiers and hope that your forces are successful in the fight to give you another chance to complete on time, you have quite unbalanced title. The worst example that I was once a play session at the end of one campaign, and I spent more than three hours playing a turn of the mission. Neither the mission, mind you - one round. I found myself stuck in a situation where virtually every step, which would result in most of my army to get destroyed, or how to kill the key units that would reset the entire operation. Needless to say, the newcomers and casual players will not be welcome here. Even some hardcore fans will be somewhat frustrated after a while, because while the job is here, it will definitely wear them.
This may be surprising, given the nature of visually accessible title. Animate the model rather well, thanks to the ability to quickly zoom in from the top down to the ground, players can immediately check the details about armor, weapons and other items. It is also very pleasant to touch, see the camera zoom in to show some instinctively attacks enemies, so you do not always have the feeling that you just watch the results pop of hidden dice rolls. There are also many nice particle effects you've noticed, some of the magic in the game, and you will definitely want to up your resolution and image quality as high as presets to be used for work and textural details in the game. Although not any performance hits, which turned up with the visuals, Elven Legacy, however, are relatively frequent accidents, regardless of the settings on the machines I played on. While the beginning of a few speed automatically for the player to immediately jump back into the game when it is again, it's somewhat annoying to constantly reload, because some unstable code. You'll also notice that some organic objects such as trees in the forests and structures, rather suddenly pop into view as you scroll the camera with them, which is rather distracting.
Sound in the Elven Legacy is in order. Music is exactly what you expect from a fantasy title Battle sound effects and pretty good. Indeed, it is rather strong as you hear the arrows strike armor or swords clash in the middle of the battle. However, the voice is not nearly so great. Shipping lines feel stilted or blandly read, so will not be impressed by the actors in this game. Worse, many of the lines seem to jump over each other during certain moments, which is impossible to understand what was said. There are also segments of the tutorial missions, which take place only in the original Russian. If there is provided a translation, that we can not understand what is the intention of the developers during those sections.
Closing Comments
Elven Legacy is one of those titles, which takes place under the hardest of the hardcore strategy fan: the depth and replayability of the game, is striking, and you find that the modernization of your soldiers, trying to unlock bonus levels and you can use any map you busy for a very long period. However, the time limit for each mission, the vast numbers that you face, and technical issues will have a majority of people, unless they completely gone.
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